Best Free Dictation Software For Mac

Best Free Dictation Software For Mac

Best Free Dictation Software For Mac 8,4/10 9712 votes

Best Speech Recognition Software Speech recognition software programs are not just for people who can not type. They actually are much more accurate than tying and can be used much faster than pointing, clicking and typing. Speech recognition software isn’t just for writing documents either, you can operate virtually anything on your computer or through the web with commands.

This software mainly performs speech to text conversion making your job a whole lot easier. Here are Top 10 Transcription Software for Mac. It supports both audio and video playback and plays formats including encrypted dictation files. You can also use professional USB foot pedals to control playback. Download free software for computer dictation, foot pedal controlled transcribers, court and conference recorders Android Applications Audio Recording Audio Software Business Software Converting Software Dictation Software Editing Software Home & Personal Software iPad.

Some software provides additional options and may only work on specific operating systems so we reviewed the type versions and highlighted them for you below. Home Version – NaturallySpeaking 12.0 by Dragon 3.5 50 900The newest version lets you turn talk to text with a new level of convenience and creativity. By interacting with your PC with your voice, the software recognizes your spoken words and follows your verbal commands. You can control your PC applications and create documents, surf the web, etc. It is very easy to use and is also fun. The software is accurate and surprising can be used faster than typing. If Dragon is installed on your computer that has 4gb ram or more it will use the appropriate model for your system and possible deliver better performance.

It will also make corrections in your dictated work. Premium Version – NaturallySpeaking 12.0 by Dragon This speech recognition software helps your productivity level get boosted by allowing you to use your voice to interact with your computer applications.

When you speak the words performs those actions or get typed in documents. Typing with your own fingers is slower than this fast application and also it is 99 percent accurate so writing and editing documents, presentations and eMails can be accomplished efficiently.

Best Free Dictation Software For Mac

You can control programs and websites and perform all necessary windows commands with your voice. Speech Software Buying Guide Factors to Consider The mind could move faster than the body.

It is for this reason that some people who are quick thinkers end up losing their thread of thoughts when they need to write or, in this case, type it down. The body, specifically the hands, cannot keep up with the thought process of the mind and could end up drawing a blank or forgetting how the end of the sentence would go. This is where speech software enters. • Understand First What the Program Is Capable Of and If It Is Really Needed Users of speech software are required to speak in their normal voice at a moderate speed. The computer would then convert the sound waves they receive and turn these into texts. There is also a feature where users could make the software dictate the words it received; this is to make sure that what the person said and what the computer received are the same.

Users could also edit the document and make the necessary corrections, all while using the speech software. Just like in Excel, speech software also has macros, called voice macros. This is a feature where the user could create word associations or input information. He could then say, “insert” and follow it with a certain set of word information. For example, he needs to put his home address multiple times. Mirror image 5e He would first create macros with the topic home address and then input the complete information adjacent it.

In using the macros, he would simple say “insert home address” and the program would type the called information. The speech software is not limited to converting words into texts. It could also be used for system command. The user could use it to do trivial things such as open, create or delete files, search for documents, close running programs, and the likes.

• Know How Accurate a Speech Program Could Capture the Sounds It Receives The speech software compares the sounds it receives from the users with the acoustic profile in its memory file. When it has found a match, whether it is the correct word or a word that only closely resembles it, the program would then convert the sounds into text.

More often than not, speech programs contain only the basic vocabulary and operating considerations that would permit it to accommodate a number of speech accents and styles. In choosing a speech program, make sure that the vocabulary memory file of the software could be expanded to add new words. Some speech software adapt over the time they are used and become tuned with the way the user speaks and with the words he would regularly use. These types of software usually give an average of 95% hit accuracy. There are also those, which could scan existing files and documents, especially the professional sounding ones, and would include the words to the set of learned vocabulary. • Make Sure That There Is Compatibility With The Speech Software Users should never buy speech software without checking first whether the program is compatible with the applications already installed and used for work.

Best Free Dictation Software For Mac
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