Can I Make Mac Word Shortcuts For Review Functions?

Can I Make Mac Word Shortcuts For Review Functions?

Can I Make Mac Word Shortcuts For Review Functions? 5,6/10 3190 votes

May 21, 2018  I can't find a list of keyboard shortcuts in Word for use on the Mac (Word 08). Would love to see the list. Also, I am used to using 'Control Home/End' to move very quickly to the beginning/end of a line or a document. Are there actually corresponding keys on the Mac for home and end, as on the PC? Thanks for your help (in anticipation). If accessing Windows-only or version specific features on your Mac is the goal, Schmucker notes that with Parallels you can easily run different versions of Windows and Office on one Mac using.

So I decided to experiment with two keyboards for the ergonomics, which it accomplishes fairly well (so left hand on left side of left keyboard, and right hand on right side of right keyboard). However, it does break the intuitive nature of keyboard shortcuts. For instance, let's say I do my capitalisation by holding down the right shift key, which would now be done on the right keyboard. If I then press a key of the left keyboard in addition, say the letter Q for instance, then it remains lowercase.

Mac word shortcuts

If I pressed the left keyboards shift then it would have worked fine, as all held keys are on the same keyboard. The same applies for pressing cmd on the left keyboard, and space on the right keyboard, spotlight will not appear. As such, modifiers only work on the same keyboard, not across keyboards. Apache openoffice for mac review. Is there a way at all to have keyboard shortuts take into account the state of all connected keyboards? As otherwise, the inutility of keyboard shortcuts under this model would outweigh the benefit of the ergonomics.

Can I Make Mac Word Shortcuts For Review Functions?
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