Small Business Discount For Mac

Small Business Discount For Mac

Small Business Discount For Mac 5,9/10 8840 votes

Yes, small companies can get a discount on Apple products by going to their local store and asking to speak with the store’s small business rep. At least this was true in the past, I haven’t actually talked to the small business rep at my local store in some time.

Small Business Discount For Mac

Updated September 20, 2018 We are committed to researching, testing, and recommending the best products. We may receive commissions from purchases made after visiting links within our content. Learn more about our. Sometimes it can seem that the most difficult part of running a small business is selecting the proper software to take care of the more tedious details for you. Sure, your grandfather just sharpened his pencil when it came time to take care of the books, but this isn’t your grandfather’s business climate anymore. Mac software for reducing image size chart. These days, there are many products available to streamline the process for you, so you can put your mind to more important thingslike making money. Deciding which is the best product for you is a matter of zeroing in on your business’s unique needs and perhaps identifying what business-related tasks you have zero tolerance for.

Then you can select software to lighten your load. Want some help? Read on to see which programs are best suited to your needs.•. QuickBooks is offered by Intuit, a giant in the personal finance industry. It’s widened its scope to address small business needs as well, and it’s an extremely popular choice. QuickBooks offers literally hundreds of templates for almost any report you could conceivably need. Accounts payable?

Not a problem. Time tracking? QuickBooks will manage your contacts and handle tax issues, forms and returns. It will create a budget for you and do your payroll — although the payroll feature is an add-on that costs a little extra. QuickBooks does pretty much everything except drive you to work. One downside and a common complaint from users is that its numerous features make it a complicated program to master.

This wouldn’t be so bad if it offered solid customer support, but that’s not the case here. Phone support is available, but it’s not free. You can buy the QuickBooks disc for a “one-time” cost or download the super-duper version for some more dough, but you’ll probably end up footing the bill for upgrades in future years (and the upgrades cost almost as much as the original software). And some of the software’s features and reports just aren’t necessary for small businesses, so you might end up with a lot you can’t use. QuickBooks Pro accommodates up to three users, but the second two will cost you extra, too. It’s only compatible with Windows.

Courtesy of Microsoft Microsoft is another you-can’t-go-wrong-with-it name in software. Office 2016 is an upgrade from Office 2013, offering a few more administrative features, but the interface is largely similar, so there’s no steep learning curve if you’ve already been using Office 2013. Many of the Office 2016 features are the same as those offered by other software, but Microsoft stands head and shoulders above the rest in one area: document sharing.


Merge cells for excel on mac. If you also sign up for Microsoft’s Office 365, a subscription service, you can store documents in the cloud and invite others to access them. They can view them, add to them or edit them in real time, as long as they’re equipped with Office 2010 or a later version. You can literally have a business meeting with people located all over the globe. The Microsoft Office Home and Business version has Outlook, Word and the indispensable Excel. Its version of Excel offers a “Tell Me What to Do” link that you can click on for help when you’re unsure how to proceed with a certain task. One drawback: “Tell me” won’t tell you how you can find the recommended applicable command.

Small Business Discount For Mac
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